Done with My Blog Consolidation Project

In consolidating my blogs, the two most difficult blogs to consolidate are To God be the Glory and Trinity Covenant Church.  Not only because of the number of articles or the many useful links I posted there, but as I review the articles, I could not remember that I wrote some of them. Take for instance The Book and The Preachers, the article I published in May 2013, I could not recall writing its content. As I review it, the ideas appear strange to me. 

I also find in To God Be The Glory some articles that are still very useful. In fact, the cause that triggered me to consolidate my blogs is due to frustration in finding an article that I wrote in the past. We were discussing that time a topic related to the law and then I was reminded of an article I wrote about the three uses of the law. After spending some time browsing all my blogs, still I could not find it. And the benefit in consolidating a blog is like setting your room in order and while doing it, unexpectedly you stumble with something worthwhile that you took for granted in the past. And that's exactly what happened when I am almost done with this consolidation thing. At last, I found that article I have been looking for, The Three Uses of the Law. It never crossed my mind that among my 29 blogs, it is here that I posted it. I am also glad to find that my Eschatology of Victory paper is also here and so is the article on the eight necessary qualifications to understand the continuing validity of God's law. 

Shifting to Trinity Covenant Church, I am happy to see articles that I think are still useful and I can incorporate them in my lectures in Theology and in Church and Society. Trinity, The Apostle's Creed and True Wisdom for instance can be included in Theology 1. A Reformed Christian Social Consciousness and Christianity's Response can be added into my course on Church and Society. Confusing Voices and articles on Happy Marriage are helpful too. Lastly, I think the most helpful are those articles I published about Greg Bahnsen's book, By This Standard. I posted a total of 13 articles based on my reading of that book from January to March 2014. It was just sad that I was not able to complete that project. Nevertheless, finishing this consolidation project of all my blogs that started last 30 May 2020, more or less three months, I now feel free at last. 

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