The Increase in Number of Genders

Some say that the LGBT acronym should be made more inclusive – a prime and overarching value today – so as to include other possibilities. One proposal is LGBTQQICAPF2K+. Here is what the new proposed acronym stands for:

L – lesbian

G – gay

B – bisexual

T – transgender

Q – queer

Q – questioning

I – intersex

C – curious

A – asexual

A – agender

A – ally

P – pansexual

P – polysexual

F – friends and family

2 – two-spirit

K – kink

+ - the possibility of more, to be added later.

By including ‘allies’ and ‘friends and family,’ LGBTQQICAPF2K+ is so inclusive that it includes heterosexuals!

Meanwhile the number of genders keeps multiplying. A website devoted to keeping track of the number of genders currently lists fifty-six, with the provision for continually adding more. These include:

Adamasgender: a gender which refuses to be categorized

Aerogender: a gender that is influenced by your surroundings

Affectugender: a gender that is affected by mood swings

Agender: the feeling of no gender/absence of gender or neutral gender

Amaregender: a gender that changes depending on who you’re in love with

Cisgender: the feeling of being the gender you were assigned at birth, all the time (assigned (fe)male/feeling (fe)male)

Demi-smoke: A transcendental, spiritual gender roughly drifting to other genders that are unable to be foreseen and understood, shrouded in darkness within your inner visual. Elevating through mystery. Caused b y a lack of inner interpretation and dark emotional states.

Egogender: a gender that is so personal to your experience that it can only be described as ‘you’

Espigender: a gender that is related to being a spirit or exists on a higher or extradimensional plane

Genderpunk: a gender identity that actively resists gender norms

Hydrogender: a gender which shares qualities with water

Mirrorgender: a gender that changes to fit the people around you

Multigender: the feeling of having more than one simultaneous or fluctuating gender

Vapogender: a gender that sort of feels like smoke; can be seen on a shallow level but once you go deeper, it disappears and you are left with no gender and only tiny wisps of what you thought it was.

“Advocates are insisting that the language be changed to reflect this new gender ideology. Gender is embedded in most languages, though not all. In German, every noun has a gender. English lacks grammatical gender but retains gender distinctions in pronouns, instead of saying ‘he’ or ‘she,’ those who are ‘gender fluid’ or otherwise object to such binary gender might prefer ‘they,’ since plural pronouns do not have different forms for gender. But using a plural form for a singular is confusing and ungrammatical. The neutral ‘it’ also lacks gender distinction, so some prefer that, though others object that ‘it’ is impersonal. So some gender activists are making up new pronouns: ne/nem/nir/nirs/nemeself; ve/ver/vis/viv/verself; ey/em/eir/eir/eirself; ze/zir/zir/zirs/zirself; xe/xem/xyr/xyrs/xemself” (p. 134).

Source: Veith, Gene Edward Jr. Post Christian: A Guide to Contemporary Thought and Culture. Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway.


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